Patient insurance

Patient insurance safeguards the rights of both the patients and the health professionals. This section includes information aimed at healthcare professionals and providers and member insurance companies of the Finnish Patient Insurance Centre.

According to the Patient Injuries Act, all healthcare providers must have patient insurance that provides compensation for injuries covered by this Act. Patient insurance can be taken out either at your insurance company or the Patient Insurance Centre until the end of year 2020. Any party liable to take out insurance but neglecting to do is according to the Patient Injuries Act obligated to pay a penalty premium, which may be as much as 10-fold to the normal premium.

Bodies under the obligation to take out insurance are:

  • Self-employed healthcare professionals in healthcare occupations who are, or can be, registered by the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira).
  • Companies and other organisations that offer healthcare services and have healthcare professionals (either in employment or service relationship) registered by Valvira in their employ.
  • Companies offering emergency medical services, including those in which the emergency medical services are carried out by other than healthcare professionals.
  • Pharmacies for the part of prescription medicines sold.
  • Government agencies and public bodies for the part of healthcare services provided in them.

Students and trainees are in an equal position to the personnel in the company or institution under the supervision of which the traineeships take place. Other persons and companies offering care services (e.g. natural health care) are not under the obligation to take out insurance according to the Patient Injuries Act and therefore cannot take out patience insurance. Their insurance cover is to be arranged through liability insurance.

For more information on patient insurance, please contact the Patient Insurance Centre and its member insurance companies.

Contact details of the Patient Insurance Centre