The Patient Insurance Centre promotes research related to patient safety and provides extensive patient injury data for professionals and researchers.
Research articles based on the Patient Insurance Centre’s injury statistics are available on this page.
Studies published in 2023
Patterns of malpractice claims and compensation after surgical procedures: a retrospective analysis of 8,901 claims from the Finnish patient insurance registry. Welling M, Takala A, Patient Safety in Surgery 17, Article number 3(2023)
Patient injury claims for posterior cruciate ligament injury: a nationwide registry study in Finland. Nyrhinen KM, Helkamaa T, Bister V, Schlenzka A, Sandelin H, Sandelin J, Harilainen A. Acta Orthop. 2023 Aug 16;94:426-431.
Studies published in 2022
Compensated Patient Injuries in the Treatment of Abdominal Aortic and Iliac Artery Aneurysms in Finland: A Nationwide Patient Insurance Registry Study. Laukkavirta M, Blomgren K, Väärämäki S, Nikulainen V, Helmiö P.Ann Vasc Surg. 2022 Mar;80:283-292. doi: 10.1016/j.avsg.2021.08.055. Epub 2021 Nov 7.
Compensated and non-compensated patient injury claims in internal carotid artery interventions in Finland, 2004-2017. Laukkavirta M, Blomgren K, Rautio R, Nikulainen V, Helmiö P.Vascular. 2022 Jan 28:17085381211069294. doi: 10.1177/17085381211069294. Online ahead of print.
Psykiatristen potilasvahinkojen yleisyys ja luokittelu. Vintturi J, Niemi J, Welling M, Kampman O. Lääketieteellinen aikakauskirja Duodecim 2022;138(1):84-90.
Compensated and non-compensated patient injury claims in internal carotid artery interventions in Finland, 2004-2017.Laukkavirta M, Blomgren K, Rautio R, Nikulainen V, Helmiö P.Vascular. 2022 Jan 28:17085381211069294. doi: 10.1177/17085381211069294.
Compensated Patient Injuries in the Treatment of Abdominal Aortic and Iliac Artery Aneurysms in Finland: A Nationwide Patient Insurance Registry Study.Laukkavirta M, Blomgren K, Väärämäki S, Nikulainen V, Helmiö P.Ann Vasc Surg. 2022 Mar;80:283-292. doi: 10.1016/j.avsg.2021.08.055. Epub 2021 Nov 7
Studies published in 2021
Investigating errors in medical imaging: medical malpractice cases in Finland. Tarkiainen T, Turpeinen M, Haapea M, Liukkonen E, Niinimäki J. Insights Imaging (2021) 12:86,
Haittatapahtuminen kirjaaminen, ehkäistävyys ja kustannusvaikutus potilasvahinkotapauksissa. Saarikoski T, Haatainen K, Roine R P, Turunen H, Kataja V. Lääkärilehti 18.6.2021 24-32/2021, vsk 76 s. 1557 - 1561,
Patient injuries in the treatment of superficial venous insufficiency registered in Finland between 2004 and 2017. Laukkavirta M, Blomgren K, Halmesmäki K, Nikulainen V, Helmiö P. Phlebology: The Journal of Venous Disease, 2021, Volume 36, issue 4, pages 260-267,
Studies published in 2020
Patient Injuries in Treatment of Peripheral Arterial Disease in Finland: Review of National Patient Insurance Charts.Laukkavirta M, Nikulainen V, Blomgren K, Helmiö P. Annals of Vascular Surgery, 2020, Volume 66, P225-232,
Accidental perforations during root canal treatment: an 8-year nationwide perspective on healthcare malpractice claims. Vehkalahti MM, Swanljung O. Clinical Oral Investigations 2020; 24: 3683-3690.
Pinnoitteesta implanttiin: alakuutosen kivulias historia. Vehkalahti MM, Swanljung O. Suomen Hammaslääkärilehti 2020; 27(5): 46-50.
Studies published in 2019
Patient injuries in pediatric otorhinolaryngology. Nokso-Koivisto J, Blomgren K, Aaltonen LM, Lehtonen L, Helmiö P. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngology, 2019 Feb 3;120, 36-39
Diagnostiset virheet ovat keskeisiä potilasturvallisuutta vaarantavia tekijöitä. Sandelin H, Roine RP. Duodecim (Editorial). 2018;134(19):1873-4.
Anterior Cruciate Ligament reconstruction related injuries – Population registry study in Finland. Nyrhinen K-M, Bister V, Schlenzka A, Sandelin H, Helkamaa T, Sandelin J, Harilainen A. Acta Orthopaedica. 2019;90(6):596-601.
Mutkat suoriksi – Kuinka välttää hoitovirheet värttinäluun alaosan murtumissa.Sandelin H, Helkamaa T, Repo J, Aaltonen L-M, Kinnunen M, Roine RP. Finnish Medical Journal 2019;73(1-2:54-56.
Studies published in 2018
Patient injury claims involving fractures of the distal radius: 208 compensated claims from the Finnish Patient Insurance Centre. Sandelin H, Waris E, Hirvensalo E, Vasenius J, Huhtala H, Raatikainen T & Helkamaa T. Acta Orthopaedica, 2018, vol. 89, no. 2, 240–245
Potilasvahingot. Welling M. Duodecim, 2018; 21,134:2111–9.
Potilasvakuutuskeskuksen aineiston analyysi - Hammasvauriot anestesian ja elvytyksen yhteydessä. Pitkänen M, Kontio R, Förster J. Lääkärilehti 2018; 73 (21): 1357–1361b
Root canal irrigants and medicaments in endodontic malpractice cases: A Nationwide longitudinal observation. Swanljung O, Vehkalahti M. Journal of Endodontics 2018; 44(4): 559-564
Studies published in 2017
Iatrogenic patient injuries in otology during a 10-year period: review of national patient insurance charts. Helmiö P, Saarinen R, Aaltonen LM, Lehtonen L, Blomgren K. Acta Otolaryngol. 2017 Sep 14:1-5
Patient injuries in operative rhinology during a ten-year period: Review of national patient insurance charts. Blomgren K, Aaltonen LM, Lehtonen L, Helmiö P. Clin Otolaryngol. 2017 Apr 30.
Juurihoitovahingosta Nicolaun oireyhtymä? Case report. Swanljung O., Vehkalahti M.M. Duodecim 2017; 6, 133:557-60
Operator-related aspects in endodontic malpractice claims in Finland. Vehkalahti M.M., Swanljung O. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 2017, Vol. 75, No. 3, 155-160
Trends in endodontic malpractice claims and their indemnity in Finland in the 2000s. Vehkalahti M.M., Swanljung O. J of Dentistry & Oral Health 2017, Vol 4: 103
Studies published in 2016
Juurihoitovahingot johtavat hammasvahinkotilastoja. Swanljung O., Vehkalahti M.M. Suomen Hammaslääkärilehti. Vol. 2016:12; 32-37
Potilasvahinkona korvatut lääkityspoikkeamat Potilasvakuutuskeskuksen aineistossa 2013–2014. Anna-Kaisa Eronen. Master’s thesis. 3/2016. University of Helsinki.
Patient injuries in primary total hip replacement. Helkamaa T, Hirvensalo E, Huhtala H, Remes V. To cite this article: Teemu Helkamaa, Eero Hirvensalo, Heini Huhtala & Ville Remes 2016: Patient injuries in primary total hip replacement. Acta Orthopaedica, doi: 10.3109/17453674.2015.1135662
Studies published in 2015
Pediatric distal humeral fractures and complications of treatment in Finland. A review of compensation claims from 1990 through 2010. Vallila N, Sommarhem A, Paavola M, Nietosvaara Y. J. Bone Joint Surg Am. 2015;97:494-9.
Towards better patient safety in otolaryngology: characteristics of patient injuries and their relationship with items on the WHO surgical safety checklist. Helmiö P, Blomgren K, Lehtovuori T, Palonen R, Aaltonen L.-M. Clin. Otolaryngol. 2015, 40, 443-448.
Open Mesh Repair for Inguinal Hernia is Safer than Laparoscopic Repair or Open Non-mesh Repair: A Nationwide Registry Study of Complications. Kouhia S, Vironen J, Hakala T, Paajanen H. World J Surg. 2015 Aug;39 (8) :1878-84. doi: 10.1007/s00268-015-3028-2.
Surgery-related complications of ventral hernia reported to the Finnish Patient Insurance Centre. Ahonen-Siirtola M, Vironen J, Mäkelä J, Paajanen H. Scand J Surg. 2015 Jun;104 (2) : 66-71. doi: 10.1177/1457496914534208.
Role of orchiectomy in severe testicular pain after inguinal hernia surgery: audit of the Finnish Patient Insurance Centre. Rönkä K, Vironen J, Kokki H, Liukkonen T, Paajanen H. Hernia. 2015 Feb; 19 (1) : 53-9. doi 10.1007/s10029-013-1150-3.
Dental treatment injuries in the Finnish Insurance Centre in 2000-2011. Karhunen S, Virtanen J. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 2015
Studies published in 2013–2014
Fatal surgical or procedure-related complications: a Finnish registry-based study. Hakala T, Vironen J, Karlsson S, Pajarinen J, Hirvensalo E, Paajanen H. World J Surg. 2014 Apr; 38 (4) : 759-64. doi 10.1007/s00268-013-2364-3.
Serious complications associated with spinal and epidural anaesthesia in Finland from 2000 to 2009. Pitkänen M, Aromaa U, Cozanitis D, Förster J. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 2013. doi: 10.1111/aas.12064.
Otorhinolaryngological patient injuries in Finland. Lehtivuori T, Palonen R, Mussalo-Rauhamaa H, Holi T, Henriksson M, Aaltonen L.-M. Laryngoscope 123: October 2013.
Availability of CBCT and iatrogenic alveolar nerve injuries. Suomalainen A, Apajalahti S, Vehmas T, Ventä I. Acta Odontol Scand. 2013 Jan;71(1):151-6. doi: 10.3109/00016357.2011.654254.
Studies published in 2010–2012
Factors predisposing to claims and compensations for patient injuries following total hip and knee arthroplasty. Järvelin J, Häkkinen U, Rosenqvist G, Remes V. Acta Orthopaedica. 2012 Apr; 83(2): 190-196.
Potilasvahingot polven primaareissa tekonivelleikkauksissa Suomessa 2008–2010: Vahinkotyypit ja vahinkoihin johtavat tekijät. Helkamaa T, Hirvensalo E, Leskinen J, Palonen R, Remes V. Suomen Ortopedia ja Traumatologia. 2012;35:212-213.
Potilasvahingot lonkan primaareissa tekonivelleikkauksissa Suomessa 2008–2010: Vahinkotyypit ja vahinkoihin johtavat tekijät. Helkamaa T, Hirvensalo E, Leskinen J, Palonen R, Remes V. Suomen Ortopedia ja Traumatologia. 2012;35:214-215.
Hospital Infection Surveillance Team. Disease burden of prosthetic joint infections after hip and knee joint replacement
in Finland during 1999–2004: capture-recapture estimation. Huotari K, Lyytikäinen O, Ollgren J, Virtanen MJ, Seitsalo S, Palonen R, Rantanen P. J Hosp Infect 2010;75:205-8.
Treatment injuries are rare in children’s femoral fractures. Palmu S, Paukku R, Peltonen J, Nietosvaara Y. Acta Orthop 2010;81:715-8.
Sappileikkausvahingot 2005–2007. Antikainen T, Silvennoinen M, Mecklin JP. Suom Lääkäril 2010;46:3777-83.
Commentary: Nationwide analysis of complications related to inguinal hernia surgery in Finland: a 5 year register study of 55,000 operations. Paajanen H, Scheinin T, Vironen J. Am J Surg. 2010 Jun; 199 (6) : 746-51. doi: 10.10167j. amjsurg.2009.04.018.
The Dental Injuries in the Finnish Patient Insurance Centre in 2000-2008. Virtanen J, Swanljung O, Pöyry S, Lilja V, Palonen R. Journal of Social Medicine 2010;47:244-249.
Studies publishedin 2008–2009
Nivustyräleikkauksiin liittyvät komplikaatiot Potilasvakuutuskeskuksessa vuosina 2003–2007. Vironen J, Scheinin T, Paajanen H. Lääketieteellinen Aikakauskirja Duodecim 2009;125 (21) : 2380-6.
Patient and hospital characteristics associated with claims and compensations for patient injuries in coronary artery bypass grafting in Finland. Järvelin J, Rosenqvist G, Häkkinen U, Sintonen H. J Health Serv Res Policy 2009;14:150-5.
Injuries as a result of treatment of tibial fractures in children: Claims for compensation submitted to the Patient Insurance Centre in Finland. Palmu S, Paukku R, Mäyränpää MK, Peltonen J, Nietosvaara Y. Acta Orthop 2009;80:78-82.
Nilkkamurtumien diagnostiikkaan ja hoitoon liittyvät potilasvahingot. Hirvensalo E, Pajarinen J, Majola A, Salo J, Palonen R, Böstman O. Suom. Lääkäril 2009;38:3101-6.
National learning curve for laparoscopic hysterectomy and trends in hysterectomy in Finland 2000–2005. Brummer TH, Seppälä TT, Härkki PS. Hum Reprod 2008;23:840-5